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European School Education Platform


NEEDS: Now more than ever, there is a growing need to sensitize students of all ages to develop adequate skills to thrive in the new digital humanism and prepare for their future careers. STEM or STEAM subjects are of vital importance from early childhood, as knowing them from a young age can influence one's future choices. The global urgency to improve education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is motivated by the environmental and social needs of the 21st century in every age of life. The complexity of these global factors requires refining how STEM subjects are taught in schools and improving students' logical-scientific skills and linguistic competence, especially among female students. To delve into the issues related to our design, we will refer to two challenges of the 2030 Agenda: goal 5 - "Achieve gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls" and goal No. 7 "Clean and accessible energy," focusing on the conscious use of energy resources, but with the backdrop of the myth, 500 years after his death, of Leonardo da Vinci, defined as the "genius of Renaissance arts." For Equal Opportunities, we will draw inspiration from Margherita Hack to combine science and femininity. Two extraordinary protagonists not only in intellectual abilities but also in human qualities (they never stopped in front of an obstacle in life or work; they turned it into a launching pad to dare where others stopped, without certainty or reference models). Therefore, they are admirable examples with which both we teachers and students must relate. Leonardo da Vinci, a meeting point between art and science, humanism, and technology, teaches the universality of scientific learning. And one of the principles of STEM is to help have an objective view of real individual possibilities and learning by doing. With the addition of the A for ART in the STEM acronym, we have moved to STEAM not only to make the approach to digital literacy learning even more interdisciplinary but also to allow female students, in particular, to engage, playfully, with aesthetics, sensory perception, imagination, while maintaining a systematic, experimental, and critical attitude towards the investigated reality. The project benefits from the collaboration of the Catholic University of Milan, UNIBAS of Basilicata and Oulu University Teacher Training School, Finland which will allow our students and our school to gain experiences through the CLIL methodology, and the EAS method (Situated Learning), making possible teaching that will focus on students, thanks also to the use of innovative methodologies. The founders of the project are Comprehensive School of Stigliano, Matera – Italy and Vocational shcool of Electrical engineering and Electronics “Kapitan Petko voyvoda”, Kardzhali, Bulgaria. They’ll be a perfect cooperative learning for exchange of good practices. The project will also be registered on the ESEP/eTwinning platform to give the activities a European dimension of strong internationalization. It will be an ITE project: from student to student to teachers to pupils, where university interns will program micro-learning units, and teachers from the indicated schools will implement them in their classes through perfect cooperative learning. The project is open and we are awaiting one or more European partners to be involved in the eTwinning platform for the next school year.
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3 members


Italy(2), Bulgaria(1)
Age range: