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European School Education Platform
Inspiring Stories from Nature

Inspiring Stories from Nature

We support inclusive education. We open horizons for young inventors in the world of Inventions and Inventions. We write, we research, we explain. As the meaning of the word nature; It is the whole of existence, consisting of living and inanimate objects, that exists by itself and constantly re-creates and differentiates itself outside the human factor. There are many things from nature. To give an example: 1. Trees,2. Animals,3. Plants,4. Animals,5. People,6. All inanimate objects,7 All living beings, It is located in nature. Nature constantly renews itself. There are many things in nature. It is possible to increase these examples. Nature came into existence spontaneously. Nature occurred outside of humans.We want to tell our students about the interesting events that occur in nature through experiments, travel observation, theatre, poetry and storytelling techniques. We want to integrate our students, who receive special support, with their peers in the project we initiated for the concept of inclusive education.We will apply events, facts and objects using the mind map method according to our student level.For example, there are many interesting features in the life of an ant. We established our project to explain these features to our students and to make them understand that they need to work to be successful in life.In the project, we will identify the characteristics of living and inanimate objects that will attract the attention of our students. We will implement our project with the help of visual and audio web 2 tools.While asking why elephants' trunks are so big, we will enable our students to be active participants in the education process through methods such as question-answer, discussion and brainstorming.
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