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European School Education Platform

Living rooms across the world

Students will introduce themselves, their school and their habits and customs in Austria and the Netherlands. First part of the project will be intercultural exchange and awareness. Next the target participants' groups from the partner schools will upload (their) original living rooms’ pictures and challenge the peers to guess the anonymous room owner(s) describing their family unit (big/ small), interests, possible hobbies, etc. After the living room owners will have given a clear picture of who lives there and their needs/ interests, there will be the interior design changes contest. Both partner schools participants will suggest ideas to improve or totally change the existing room interior applying possible national / traditional motives or details of their own country to the interior. The students are supposed to provide the instructions and recommendations on a leaflet in the target language (English). At the end they have to present their plans (elevator pitches)
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5 members


Austria(3), Netherlands(2)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: