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European School Education Platform

Mokausi gamtoje ir iš gamtos per patirtinį ugdymą(Learn in nature and from nature thought experiential education)

Patirtinis mokymasis gamtoje – ypatingas, suteikiantis daug galimybių patiems vaikams eksperimentuoti, kurti, atrasti, pažinti. Gamtos tyrinėjimas yra labai svarbus, kadangi, tyrinėdami gamtos lobyną, vaikai susipažįsta su naujais dalykais, kuriuos svarbu ne tik stebėti, bet ir pačiam atrasti, eksperimentuoti – juk aktyvioje veikloje pats ikimokyklinukas arba pradinukas patiria atradimo džiaugsmą. Experiential learning in nature is special, providing many opportunities for children to experiment, create, discover and get to know themselves. Nature exploration is very important because, while exploring the treasure of nature, children get acquainted with new things that are important not only to observe, but also to discover and experiment themselves – after all, in active activities, the preschooler or the primary schooler himself experiences the joy of discovery.
Created on
50 members


Lithuania(38), Turkey(8), Romania(2), Poland(1), Latvia(1)
Age range:
up to 3
Vocational subjects of teaching: