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European School Education Platform
Winner logo

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We completed our project work with fun and learning.

Our students completed their project responsibilities with pleasure. Families also stated that they were happy for their children to take part in this project.

Meliha Ercan Secondary School (Hanife PEKER's team)





Working on collaborative poem

My students are working on collaborative poem.


Working on collaborative poem 3


Working on collaborative poem 2


Working on collaborative poem




Voting logo

During last lesson students voted for their favorite logos. 
Who will be the winner?

We will know very soon!!!


Voting logo 3


Voting logo 2


Voting logo 1

Student avatar

My students created their avatar using Pixton app. 
Here's our comics class!


Comics class

Presentation of the project

An image of the presentation of the project to the students.

On this occasion the use of twinspace was explained to them.


Project presentation