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European School Education Platform

The Lightbringers’ Christmas collaboration

We want to bring partners in an Erasmus+ project closer together in a time where despair is around the corner and we want to bring light, hope, joy, positivity and strengthen each others energy by sharing all sorts of Christmas information with each other. Christmas is usually a period representing hope and light in a dark outdoors but this year it is different, the darkness is larger, somewhat scary and we do not know when it will change. THerefore we bring our own light, we create hope by working together and by sharing traditions we give each other new ideas in how to celebrate life, joy, hope and light this Christmas. “The light travels in so many ways. It warms the grass our children walk on, people's hearts when they follow dreams even cold online meeting rooms when they make space for nice ideas!”
Created on
15 members


United Kingdom(3), Denmark(2), Belgium(2), Sweden(1), Greece(1), France(1), Bulgaria(1), Italy(1), Finland(1), Spain(1), Slovenia(1)
Age range:
up to 3