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European School Education Platform

Cultural Capital - “The Wider World”

We are challenging our pupils to become more aware of the world around them. The project enables all year groups 7-11 to research into various aspects of what makes a Global Citizen. We are focusing upon ideas of Global Citizenship and Social Justice. Each year group in a form class takes on a specific role and collectively create a Cultural Capital Portfolio over the academic year. Y7: “With great power comes great responsibility” Y8: “The Wider World” - Year 8’s are developing digital culture packs about their village, towns and county to exchange with similar packs developed by pupils in schools outside of the UK. The focus on highlighting similarities and differences in culture/tastes etc. The e-twinning portal is key to the success of this part of the project. All resources will be provided (template format) but enhancement is encouraged. (Digital Exchange) Y9: “The Value of Volunteering” Y10: “The Wider World and Me” Y11: “Well-being & Bettermen
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7 members


Italy(2), Turkey(2), France(1), United Kingdom(1), Portugal(1)
Age range: