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European School Education Platform

Me and my virtual friends: digital applications and AI!

The project encourages students to discover current and future digital diversity. Students will learn from peers in partner countries digital applications that they use in the classroom in their countries. They will make materials illustrating traditions and customs of different areas of their countries, tourist attractions, historical monuments, stories, traditional recipes, folk wear, curiosities from the countries of the participants, remarkable discoveries and inventions, etc., using the applications learned in the project. The activities will be carried out under the guidance of a teacher, who will be a mentor for a group of at least 10 students. The students will achieve according to the project calendar: - virtual libraries with the mascots of the project, tutorials with the applications presented in the project, digital materials: leaflets, bookmarks, presentations of popular costumes, traditional recipes, folk dances, presentations of ancient crafts from different European countries, virtual material with the help of AI, presentations /tutorials proposed applications. These materials will be found in the twinspace of the project. The map will be presented, at the final meeting of the project, in an online meeting, in which all those involved will participate. The project has five sections. Each section has a different theme. The stages will take place in January, February, March, April. The final stage will take place in May, on the occasion of Europe Day.
Created on
5 members


Turkey(3), Romania(1), Spain(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching: