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European School Education Platform
We vote for a logo between the partners. Students create logos and all of us choose Portuguese logo

For Conscious and Inclusive Tourism in Europe

The Project “For A Conscious and Inclusive Tourism in Europe” is part of a commitment made to young people and society, aiming to reinforce and expand initiatives, in terms of investment in the European Dimension, in line with the objectives of the Europe Strategy 2020, of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations and Sustainable Europe until 2030. The network of partnerships established includes schools in Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Portugal, with reciprocity between the objectives. The teams comprise collaborators with extensive experience, who consider internationalization to be a highly relevant factor for the education and development of all entities / sectors involved, factors that constitute general goals of the project. Cooperation between European Schools is one of the main objectives, at the same time as developing cultural identity and valuing different cultures, and the importance of sustainable / inclusive Tourism and entrepreneur
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9 members


Portugal(2), Bulgaria(2), Spain(2), Greece(1), Lithuania(1), Italy(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching:
Key competences: