To get started please choose one of the registration options below:
Did you have an account on the eTwinning and/or the School Education Gateway platform(s)? Follow these instructions to get direct access to your projects and other data from the old platform:
If you don't have an EU Login account yet:
When creating your EU Login account, please use the same email address that you used on the old platform(s). After you logged in to our platform for the first time, you can change your EU Login email address if desired.
If you already have an EU Login account:
- Make sure your EU Login account uses the same email address that you used on the old platforms. Change it on EU Login if needed.
- Log in to the new platform once.
- Change back the email address of your EU Login account.
If you don’t recall which email address you used or don't have access to it any-more:
First create or use an EU Login account with your preferred email address to log in to our platform. After that, please contact us immediately to link it with the data on the old platform.