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European School Education Platform


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Projects (11)

Project work is exploring the past, present and future of the European Union, represented by the different countries. Students will investigate the historical background that led to the formation of...

This is a very flexible project design, where content is shared in padlets, making it possible for teachers to create long distance teaching that is creative and innovative . It is an open and...

Our current two-year Erasmus+ project is titled ”Young people and urban citizenship - students managing photo and video projects on urban chances and challenges” and it includes five school from five...

Lähtudes õpilaste vanusest tutvutakse sellega, mis on demokraatia ning siis arutletakse teema üle. Iga õpilane ütleb, mida tema jaoks tähendab demokraatia ning sellest tehakse märksõnapilv. Projekti...

"May ICT be with you" is a 21-month strategic partnership of Tartu Tamme Gümnaasium (Estonia), 10iCampus (Denmark), Maria Goretti Sekundarschule (Belgium), Wilhelm-Leibl-Schule (Germany) and C.E...

National Quality Label

This project aims at improving teenage learners' foreign language learning productive, receptive skills, 21st Century Skills such as critical thinking and collaboration. Whilst they are learning...

Metoodiliste oskuste laat on keelekümbuskoolide koostööprojekt, mis sai alguse 2017. aastal. LAK-õppe kuus (aprillis) keelekümbluskoolide õpetajad saavad kokku, et näitada töötubade vormis oma...

The contact seminar (TCA) is addressed to school leaders and teachers of pupils aged between 6 and 16 years, who plan to apply for an Erasmus+ School Exchange Partnership and are looking for partner...

National Quality Label