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European School Education Platform


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Projects (434)

A short and easy project in which children make and send handmade Christmas Cards to each other.

The "European Playtime Exchange" project aims to create cross-cultural connections among children by exploring and sharing traditional games from around the Europe. Our goal is to foster linguistic...

Our project, "The World is Wonderful! Let's Travel Together," is designed to provide young learners aged 3-6 with a rich and engaging exploration of different countries' sights, art, traditions, and...

Exchange of Christmas cards in different languages

National Quality Label

Fast fashion, a highly profitable and exploitative business model, has a huge human and environmental impact. Garment workers and consumers are in danger. Harmful chemicals found in apparel, heavy...

This project is aimed at sharing Christmas wishes among countries. We want to retake the olden traditions of wishing everybody a ''Merry Chrismas'', making students experience some hand on activities...

National Quality Label

Improving the digital skills of teachers by implementing our project, integrating the Steam approach into school education, creating artificial intelligence-based interactive learning environments...

A journey to discover the different cultures of Christmas across Europe, including Christmas cards, typical songs, dances and local traditions.

National Quality Label