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European School Education Platform


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Projects (38)

In this project, the students will research and analyze some natural phenomena in the form of experiments that they will also represent artistically. In this way, students will be more motivated to...

Instilling in pupils citizenship values through watching films and discussing them afterwards, exchanging their opinions and reviews, and reflecting on the topics touched upon.

With the participation of partners from different countries, the subject of the project is to explain and introduce the nature, historical artifacts, cultural features, food and many other things of...

The name of the project stands for: P=Positive emotions, E=Engagement, R=Relationships, M=Meaning, A=Accomplishments and is the acronym of a well-being model proposed by Martin Seligman. The...

Our project will start in September 2023 and will end in April 2024.he preschool sustainable development goals include a set of goals aimed at helping children create a more sustainable world of...

Un proiect despre cărți pentru copii, pentru a-i motiva să lectureze, dar și pentru a-i provoca la o aventură în lumea imaginației. În cadrul proiectului elevii vor învăța sa elaboreze o carte...

The Project "Let's Explore Europe" has an interdisciplinary character. The goal of it is pupils' familiarization with the values and the culture of Europe. The project is aimed for pupils from primary...

National Quality Label

În condițiile de viață virtuală, nu trebuie să uităm să conviețuim în armonie cu natura. Responsabilitatea adulților este să-i facă pe copii să iubească natura. Ei trebuie să fie un exemplu pentru...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label