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European School Education Platform

Science is everywhere!

We want to "discover" the chemistry, physics and the mechanisms of the life! Science has enormous influence on our lives. It provides the basis of much of modern technology - the tools, materials, techniques, and sources of power that make our lives and work easier. The discoveries of scientists also help to shape our views about ourselves and our place in the universe. Science is universal. Imagine a job that doesn't need some background in science. Law? Farming? Running a restaurant? Business? Lawyers must know about DNA testing and forensic evidence. Farmers are swamped with genetic modification choices, salinity problems, worries about the lesser spotted godwit or precious purple frog requiring protection in the lower paddock. As for chefs: try cooking gourmet meals if you've never heard of salmonella or botulism. Business people are challenged constantly by new technology. The point is there is no job in the 21st century that can be done effectively without some feeling for science. The aim of this project is to help students to understand how sciences improve our lives. Participating to the project activities is a unique opportunity for students to stimulate their scientific and analytical observation. Participating is also fun, is an oportunity to make friends.
Created on
14 members
National Quality Label


Italy(4), Spain(2), Romania(2), Iceland(1), Portugal(1), Poland(1), Slovakia(1), France(1), Czech Republic(1)
Age range: