تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
European School Education Platform

Tool Vip 24

BACKGROUND After the economic crisis, in Italy and in all the European countries there has been a strong increase of employment which in July 2017 came back to the same levels of the year 2008 (inapp policy brief September 2017). The employment growth has involved also young people, although on a smaller scale compared with other social categories. This is a problem that seems to be linked with vocational school guidance systems which are not integrated with the working world and are not effective. OBJECTIVES The specific objective of the present project are: 1)The analysis of different guidance tools used by different partner countries. 2)The analysis of the monitoring quality systems in order to verify the efficiency of guidance tools. 3)The analysis of existing different counselor guidelines 4)Development of an European network which can lead to the development of new partnerships about this issues.
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32 members


Italy(10), Turkey(7), Portugal(3), Poland(2), Romania(2), Spain(2), Norway(2), Germany(1), Bulgaria(1), Hungary(1), Slovakia(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: