تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
European School Education Platform

European School Friends Speaking from Belgium, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain and Turkey.

The aim of this particular etwinning project is to promote communication life skills among European primary school students. For this purpose the students are going to use the English language to converse with other students from different European countries on a great variety of topics concerning their family and school life, their country as well as their hobbies and interests and other speaking activities such as role play. All around Europe English is learned in primary education, however, are primary school students offered enough opportunities to use the language in real life situations in order to communicate with peers? This project is their chance to share personal information and interests with their peers using English as a common language. The use of Skype to perform these speaking tasks will facilitate the objectives of this etwinning program. Specifically, each country, each student could cooperate with a different one each time on a speaking activity.
Created on
5 members


Turkey(1), Poland(1), Spain(1), Belgium(1), Greece(1)
Age range: