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European School Education Platform

Shared cities - Sharing cultures

In the year of Cultural heritage we plan a project aimed to explore the richness and interactions of cultures inside our cities. Our intention is to look at the urban environment through the children’s eyes. Aspects of the children’s everyday lives in big cities in relation to what forms their environment, such as nature, weather-climate, water-seas-rivers, public spaces i.e.spaces built for defined functions; festivities and celebrations, folklore, the traditional or historical life of the city as well as the newer multicultural additions will be explored locally between the schools located in the same city but belonging to different country and culture, as the Italian school in Madrid and CEIP Tagore, and compared at a wider European level through interaction amongst our partner cities to find out what is similar and what is different. We will focus especially on the pedagogical processes through which pupils will explore and further their knowledge on the urban environments which f
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10 members