تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
European School Education Platform

My School - My Life

There is no school without pupils, teachers, parents. Each school has the past and the future. Each school has its history, its events, its achievements. This is the project about friendship and partnership between schools of different countries. We can make aquantance with each others, exchange our news, develope our communicative skills. The working language is English, but we are ready to invite all partners who will work with us. Our project will realise in different areas: - School History - School News - School Parties - School Talents - School Safety - Students voice developement - common School Events - common online English lessons(or other subjects) - Pen Pals, card exchange and so on We should use Web2.0 tools, google and YouTube, Face book to show our results and to evaluate our projekt work.
Created on
27 members


Ukraine(9), Georgia(5), Turkey(3), Portugal(2), France(2), Romania(2), Italy(1), Croatia(1), Republic of Moldova(1), Poland(1)
Age range: