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European School Education Platform

<https://live.etwinning.net/projects/project/154873?v=pictures> "Learning&teaching english an innovative approach in the 21st century”

• This project is about learning and teaching english happily by innovative approach in the 21st century: such as acting, sporting, travelling and coding… • We want to use innovative skills and we want to try new approaches in order to improve the qualities in the foreign language education system. • We want to create a good atmosphere for learning english happily. • We want to create new places for our students to practice english not only in the schools but also all over the world, by using technological devices or travelling as well. • We want to practice english happily with the songs, games and acting out on the stage. • We want to support team work in our project so the new themes and the new innovative approaches will be added during the Project.
Created on
31 members


Turkey(8), United Kingdom(5), Italy(3), Germany(3), Lithuania(2), France(2), Greece(2), Poland(1), Slovenia(1), Romania(1), Spain(1), Norway(1)
Age range: