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European School Education Platform
Crafting a Greener Tomorrow: Designing for a Sustainable Future

Ecodesign Fusion: Collaborative Innovations in European Manufacturing Studios

This project is tailored for vocational and training school students specializing in mechanical design. The objective is clear: collaboratively design a solution to a real-world challenge that demands creativity and sustainable thinking. Teams will embark on a transformative journey, combining hands-on learning with a collaborative mindset, as they navigate the intricacies of sustainable design in the field of mechanical innovation. Participants will be challenged to push the boundaries of conventional thinking, crafting solutions that not only meet the demands of a real-world challenge but also adhere to eco-friendly principles. 'Ecodesign Fusion' is not just a project; it's an opportunity for vocational and training school students to showcase their talents, learn from industry experts, and contribute to the future of sustainable mechanical design.
Created on
2 members


Spain(1), France(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching:
Vocational subjects of teaching: