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European School Education Platform
Eat Green, Boost your Mood!

Eat Green, Boost your Mood!

The project “Eat green, boost your mood” has the purpose of making students aware of the impact of the nutrition on the general health status of people. In particular, attention will be given to stress and anxiety. In the first place, students will have the opportunity to know each other and their habits with a focus on their nutritional routine. At the same time, they will study the impact of nutrition on general health status. After this preliminary study, they will choose a local (or more than one) product that complies with the nutritional status. The product has to be green with attention to both the green light on the health status and to the control of CO2 emission and waste reduction through over the production chain. Lastly, students will propose some recipes with the product they chose comparing ancient with modern ones.
Created on
29 members


Turkey(10), Greece(6), Romania(4), Spain(3), Italy(2), Poland(2), Slovenia(1), Lithuania(1)
Age range: