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European School Education Platform
3 figures surrounded by the stars of the European flag

European Changemakers

“Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity” – Robert Schuman said at the time of the creation of the European Economic Community. If you want to understand Europe, you’ll have to understand the member states. Where do they come from, what is their history, their ballast/burden? Keeping that in mind, what do they have in common? What unites them? Robert Schuman's words are still very valid. Europe will not be built at once neither will EU democracy. If we bear in mind how long it took before democracy like we know it nowadays came to flourish in many countries in the world, the development of EU democracy is still very young. It needs time and effort to develop further. Nevertheless, progress has been made. A long time ago, members of the European Parliament had a dual mandate, then direct elections were introduced, and later on “spitzenkandidaten. But what do young people think about the European Union and European democracy? The Council of Europe would like member states to strengthen youth participation in democratic life. Nevertheless, in many EU countries, young people are not eligible to vote until they turn 18. In 2024 there will be elections for the European Parliament. This project is about the elections but also about misinformation and youth advocacy. More than 100 students from 50 different EPAS schools will collaborate in international teams on the project. They will discuss the outcome of their research, share their experiences, expectations, ideas, and emotions with their teammates. They participate in forums, exchange views and share the outcome of their tasks in Twinspace, in joint online meetings and with junior ambassadors in their respective European Parliament Ambassador Schools.
Created on
5 members


Ireland(2), Netherlands(1), Spain(1), Croatia(1)
Age range:
Key competences: