تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
European School Education Platform

Lighting up our lives

We are teachers from 5 schools around the Baltic Sea (DE, EE, FI, LV and PL). In times of war and economic crisis we want our students to think of ways in which to lighten up their lives. Students of all schools are to agree on types of objects (e.g. lanterns or drawings) or activities (e.g. games or songs) that can bring about positive experiences and emotions. In a three-day virtual workshop each national team is to make and describe their contribution and upload photos and tutorials on the eTwinning project site. Then all teams read and carry out the other teams' tutorials. During the workshop days the students are to meet in daily video conferences with getting-to-know activities, cultural exchange and an exchange of feedback on the national contributions. Afterwards the results of the workshop days are to be presented at all schools on individual days.
Created on
6 members


Germany(2), Poland(2), Latvia(1), Finland(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: