تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
European School Education Platform

Be Well

The continuous education of environmental protection through actions that will aim at the development and the maintenance of the "correct environment", in combination with the continuous physical exercise and the proper nutrition. Institutions and the society are facing changes that present elements of novelty and critical profiles for which the institutions are called to carry out projects with the intent of creating educational paths how to improve good practices. The project proposes community initiatives about a correct culture of well-being, aimed at cultivating healthy behavioral lifestyles, as a preventive and healthy environment, contemplating the inclusion of all students, promoting the correct relationship with the environment, nature and the territory with a view to sustainability and respect. The activities will have an interdisciplinary and transversal character involving teachers from all disciplines with the common goal of developing citizenship skills.
Created on
13 members
National Quality Label