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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1357)

Knows how to plant seeds or saplings in schools, homes, in short, in any suitable environment, Able to design with waste materials, play creative games, Wouldn't the world be a better place with...

Our project is a project that you will do with primary school and secondary school 1st grade children between the ages of 7 and 11. Our project will include fairy tale writing, fairy tale illustration...

The project aims at forming a responsible attitude of students in maintaining environmental cleanliness by properly storing waste and maintaining green spaces, engaging in extensive action to preserve...

To ensure that our students comply with the rules in the school environment, to prevent them from exhibiting behaviors that will disrupt the classroom and school order, to eliminate bullying behaviors...

Encourage children's curiosity, have kids enjoy role-playing games, organize local trips and invite people with experiments to introduce them to professions.

GATE is an international project financed under the Erasmus+ programme. GATE aims to enhance the competencies and skills of primary education teachers and mentors to help gifted and talented pupils...

The project is based on activities connected with widely considered culture of seven European countries and Turkey.

Brief Description It is aimed to ensure that students, especially in science and art courses, learn why science and art are important and how important they are in our lives, by getting to know and...