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European School Education Platform


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Projects (85)

Our school is called upon every day to face challenges related to the smooth integration of students with an immigrant background into the Cypriot education system. Due to the continuous increase in...

Žemės diena – tai diena, kai kasmet kovo 20 d. minima Pasaulinė Žemės diena. Šią dieną vaikams yra pristatoma aplinkos apsaugos svarba, skatinamas kasdienis gamtos pažinimo siekis, raginama priimti...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Family life has great impacts on the personality of an individual. It affects many aspects of his life and shapes his attitude towards his environment. If a person has a healthy relationship with his...

It is very important in mathematics teaching that students are individuals who can solve the problems they encounter and think differently. Students can make sense of mathematics, acquire the habit of...

The project aims to encourage children in kindergarten, primary school and secondary school to develop a more informed and civilized behavior on the road.The project aims to build an educational path...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Projemizin amacı öğrencilerin geleneklerinde bulunan oyunları öğrenmeleridir. Ayrıca başka yörelerin oyunlarını da öğrenip unutulmaya yüz tutmuş oyunlarımızı gün yüzüne çıkarmaktır. Öğrencilerin...

National Quality Label

Our project focuses on the theme of well-being. The aim is to allow pupils to express themselves on what makes them happy at school. This project can be carried out through various disciplines...

From an early age, children learn the first hygienic and sanitary skills in the family, following the model of their parents. The project is a continuation of the training and consolidation of skills...