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European School Education Platform


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Projects (201)

Projemizin amacı, öğrencilerimize farklı türlerde kitap okuma alışkanlığı kazandırmak ve eskisi kadar kullanılmayan mektuplaşma ile birbirleriyle iletişime geçerek hem okudukları kitaplar hem de...

The “LET'S MEET IN EUROPE” project was born from the multi-year collaboration between the “IC Diaz” of Laterza (Italy) and the “Karadayı Ortaokulu” schools of Serik – Antalya (Turkey), and Zespół...

The project "Meeting our cultures!" is a collaboration between Italy (founder of the project) and Spain (co-founder) and other nations who want to make themselves and their traditions known. In fact...

This project, it’s goals and topics are in direct corelation with the curriculum of the school subject Art and connected to cross-curricular topics (Learn how to learn, Civic education, Health, Use of...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Several European countries work as partners in this project and each country (school) has its mascot (a teddy bear or any other kind of mascot they pick). Itinerary of travel is made in collaboration...

National Quality Label

In the current historical moment, it is essential to build a culture of peace, making the voice of all the etwinners of the world heard, the project is based on the creation of digital or paper cards...

National Quality Label

The project will last for 4 weeks and involve students from different levels around the school according to their interests and abilities. Students will make small groups and share responsibilities or...

The purpose of this project is to celebrate St. Valentine's Day in creative way. The project participants will write love letters, draw and paint love motives, read and listen to famous poems, share...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label