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European School Education Platform

AI in our classrooms

Cilj projekta je uvođenje umjetne inteligencije u učionice i u poučavanje različitih predmeta. Sudionicima će biti dostupna kolekcija AI alata, aplikacija i platformi, a učitelji će, zajedno s učenicima, odabrati barem jedan i kreativno ga primijeniti u nastavi. Primjeri dobre prakse bit će objavljeni na Twin Space-u i u zajedničkoj Wakelet kolekciji, a putem tog alata učitelji i učenici će razmijeniti iskustva i evaluirati projekt. *** The aim of this project is to introduce artificial intelligence into the teaching of various subjects. The project would begin in September 2020 and end in June 2021. Authors prepared collection of various AI platforms, apps and tools. Teachers, together with their students, will cselect at least one sutiable tool and use it creatively to teach. Good practice will be shared on the TwinSpace and on the joint Wakelet collection. Both students and teachers will exchange their impressions and experiences on a special Wakelet board for evaluation.
Created on
30 members


Croatia(20), Turkey(6), Albania(1), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1), Georgia(1), Slovenia(1)
Age range:
up to 3