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European School Education Platform

Creative thinking - lift to success

The general idea of the project is to stimulate the students to develop innovative thinking, find new opportunities and convert their own ideas into value, in other words to be entrepreneurials. Schools, teachers and pupils will be engaged in a large number of different initiatives, programmes and projects, due to the significant emphasis put on entrepreneurship education and on entrepreneurial attitude and skills. This project will foster students to develop their communication skills in a multicultural environment, to share ideas and knowledge in a blended community. It will be implemented in two main stages – preparatory (first year) and practical (second year). During the first stage the students-participants will conduct labour market research in their regions, will meet representatives of different local companies and will get to know how to process research data. This project involves teachers, students and business representatives as well as Labour Department authorities to work together and explore how the entrepreneurial mind-set can be developed and promoted. The activities we plan to conduct and organize follow the pattern of understanding entrepreneurship through the bringing together of theoretical input and experiential learning. Students form teams to develop their ideas and to set up their own business. A group of experts and well-trained teachers help the students through the whole process. Guiding materials, available for professionals working with the students, will be published. They will cover theoretical contents and practical exercises. During the second project stage the students from each partnering country will develop just one business idea. They will set up one student enterprise with particular activities which will have all business departments, necessary for the functioning of a company. They will open different jobs at the enterprise in compliance with their individual abilities and skills. They will put to practice their entrepreneurial knowledge and creative thinking while running that company in order to achieve its successful and stable development. Each company will be online based; it will have a designed logo, published online advertising videos, blogs where the other project participants will publish their opinion and suggestions, their comments and recommendations. Our aim is to establish connections with employers – employees – clients. At the end of the project student groups will present their final product in front of other students, parents, teachers and the local community. All the teachers and the project team will provide guidance and support to the student teams.
Created on
16 members


Bulgaria(11), Spain(2), Portugal(1), Italy(1), France(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching: