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European School Education Platform

Cultural heritage embedded in the local landscape:cross-curricular groupwork research about legendary places and Unesco World heritage sites in preparation for Erasmus mobilities

As part of our Erasmus plan which in the next few years will bring us together in person experiencing, exchanging and enhancing good teaching and learning practices, active citizenship and cross-cultural heritage using (and improving) English for real-life communication purposes, Italian and Swedish students will work cooperatively in preparation for next year's mobilities. Our 5th ad 6th graders, who have been corresponding individually as pen pals since last year while working together on another eTwinning project, will work together again throughout this school year in order to know more about each other's culture and promote common cultural features directly connected with their local landscapes. In particuar, they will focus their attention on specific places and sites where some of them will meet in person during next year's Erasmus mobilities: they are local Unesco World Heritage sites and local historical and naturalistic sites theatre of local sagas and legends embedded in local history, culture and landscape. After researching together about Unesco, its purpose and activity, about Italian and Swedish Unesco Heritage sites (in general) and local Italian and Swedish sites more in detail, they will prepare brochures and audioguides about the World Heritage sites and the legendary places they will visit during the Erasmus mobilites. Parallel to this virtual cooperative work on the twinspace our students will carry on their individual correspondence as pen pals, in both activities using English as language for communication.
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4 members


Italy(2), Sweden(2)
Age range: