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European School Education Platform
A shot from our nature education...


Today, as a result of global warming, rapidly increasing population growth, rapid industrialization and unhealthy urbanization, pesticides, artificial fertilizers, detergents, waste materials, and the more intense use of natural resources by people, the polluted air, water, soil have reached harmful levels for living things, and nature problems have become widespread. increased. Today, there is no living thing left in the world that is not affected by one or more of the environmental problems, and education for the environment has become a mandatory requirement. With our project, the little ones will learn by researching, examining, making nature observations, and they will teach the people around them, and they will become 'teachers in nature'. * Cities, while constituting 3% of the world's land, cause 60-80% of energy consumption and 75% of carbon emissions.(United Nations, http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/cities/ ) In order to reduce the environmental impact of cities, we aim to raise awareness and raise responsible individuals through the activities we do. * Consumption; brings a huge cost to the environment. If the world's population were to reach 9.6 billion by 2050, about three Earths would be needed for enough natural resources for humans to maintain their current lifestyles. Waste is part of the problem. Food, water, electricity etc. We aim to raise individuals who act responsibly by reviewing the use and management of limited resources. * Increasing urbanization, growing world population, severe weather conditions, climate change, pollution and all other factors combine to increase the pressure on water resources. Due to the seriousness of this problem, we aim to be the stakeholders that support the 'Global targets for sustainable life' with the "Water for Sustainable Development" events. * Climate change threatens to disrupt the balance between ecosystems and harms food production on land and in the sea. Therefore, we aim to adapt to climate change and develop responsible behaviors in this process. * At least 8 million tons of plastic is dumped into the ocean every year. Microplastics have a special importance because they are eaten by sea creatures, and in people who consume seafood, these microscopic particles can be carried from the stomach to other parts of the body. Cleanseas Campaign, http://www.cleanseas.org/get-informed We aimed to not release pollutants into the natural environment and to show responsible behavior in cleaning the environment. * Humanity relies on forests as a buffer to climate change through the removal of carbon dioxide from the air. Grown forests are used as a carbon store.
Created on
10 members


Turkey(3), Italy(2), Poland(2), Romania(1), Portugal(1), Bulgaria(1)
Age range: