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European School Education Platform
Some old cultural stuff

Our cultural Heritage

The heritage of every country is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for creative people and the creative work of students and teachers. In building the personality of each of us, it is very important to know the heritage of our country, but also the heritage of the countries that surround us. We will look for answers together, through exploring, collaborating, learning from each other, in and out of our classrooms. By working on this project, we will contribute to cultural preservation heritage that surrounds us. We will also present the materials to each other as equal partners in the project, but also publish them publicly for all those who want to learn more about European cultural heritage.
Created on
19 members


Croatia(8), Turkey(4), Romania(1), Portugal(1), Greece(1), Albania(1), Germany(1), Latvia(1), Jordan(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching:
Key competences: