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European School Education Platform

Make your hereafter green with prayer and your world with trees

Taking the hadith of our Prophet"When the Hour comes, if you have a tree sapling in your hand and if you find the time, plant it"as a guide, he aimed to mature our children in this sense. on religion and morality. With this project, our children will experience the peace of performing their prayers, the happiness of following a hadith, and the joy of being beneficial to the environment. Students will thus become self-confident individuals. Participation in our project will be completely voluntary. Those who want to participate will get the prayer tree prepared on A4 paper from their teachers by registering. Every leaf on this tree will show the prayer times. They will evaluate themselves by painting each time they pray.Awareness will also be created by using teaching method techniques. In addition, special attention will be paid to the use of technology by students and teachers, the dissemination of Web 2.0 tools, and the use of interaction and communication environments in the project
Created on
2 members
National Quality Label


Turkey(1), Jordan(1)
Age range: