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European School Education Platform
My Town - from past to future

„ My Town - from past to future "/ "Моят град - от минало към бъдеще"

С този проект искаме да насърчим учениците към прости проучвания и събиране на данни за града, в който живеят. Искаме учениците да изследват миналото на своя град, да подчертаят красотите на своя град и своята родина в настоящето и чрез дигитални инструменти да го доближат до учениците от своята родина и други страни. Те ще развият отговорно поведение към наследството на нашите предци и ще развият любов към своя град. With this project we want to encourage students to simple research and data collection about the city in which they live. We want students to explore the past of their city, to emphasize the beauties of their city and their homeland in the present and through digital tools to bring it closer to students from their homeland and other countries. They will develop responsible behavior towards the heritage of our ancestors and will develop love for their city.
Created on
45 members
National Quality Label


Bulgaria(28), Turkey(2), Poland(1), Latvia(1), Lithuania(1), Estonia(1), Serbia(1), Albania(1), Romania(1), Armenia(1), Georgia(1), Portugal(1), France(1), Croatia(1), Italy(1), Spain(1), Netherlands(1)
Age range:
up to 3