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European School Education Platform

Feeding Europe

During the 2020-2021 school year, we worked on a similar project "Eat Well, Eat Wise" - "Manger bien, manger malin" - which led us to produce a cookbook in three languages. It is the continuation and in-depth exploration of the previous project. It should lead our students to reflect on the future of nutrition in Europe in an era of climate change. It will be the place to communicate for the different partners of an Erasmus+ project. This Erasmus+ project will be about food again but with a look toward the future. How to feed Europe in the face of climate change? Just look at what happened in Spring 2021: a warm March, a freezing April and some crops are ruined. What will we do in the future when other climatic catastrophes happen? How did our ancestors react? What does science tell us? How to grow food as close as possible to where we live? Besides eating healthy and local food, it is important to know how Europe will be fed in the future, considering all these future challenge
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9 members


Italy(4), France(2), Latvia(1), Spain(1), Germany(1)
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