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European School Education Platform
Il futuro nelle nostre mani

you'R Nature you'R Future

The tragic historical context that we have been experiencing in the last year has strongly shaken our certainties, placing us in front of the awareness of our fragility. This awareness, which is particularly painful and difficult for young people, can become the starting point for positive change and schools have a duty to be at the forefront in guiding young people to take advantage of their fragility to turn in a proactive and empathetic attitude to the world. The practice of solidarity, civic conscience, respect for the rules for the common good that this emergency has taught us can become values and practices of our daily life as citizens and show us the way for an authentically empathic interaction with others and with environment. Our FRAGILITY must make us perceive the fragility of the environment of which we are part and trigger virtuous behaviors and practices, in the absolute certainty that we are the environment that surrounds us. EMPATHY must become the practice of existing
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7 members


Italy(2), Romania(2), Greece(1), Turkey(1), Lithuania(1)
Age range: