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European School Education Platform

OLOP-One Language One Person

Foreign language has been everyone's nightmare. People have difficulty learning their own language, which is even more difficult in languages. If they are compared with the similarities of their own languages ​​and if the language education is gamified, they do not have difficulty learning other languages ​​except their children. As is known, children are an empty slab and it stays that way the way it is processed. By putting such a foreign language into it, leaving life, we get better results in games without realizing it, that is, implicitly, we repeat or teach the language rules, pronunciations and word meanings. Dear teachers we are language teachers in this project.We will share which we teach language and English language. For example I am Arabic teacher I will do my works in Arabic and English language. My friend English teacher she will do her works only in English language. You can join us no matter what language teacher you are. We wait you.
Created on
36 members
National Quality Label


Turkey(10), Romania(5), Tunisia(3), Georgia(2), Italy(2), Albania(2), Poland(2), Republic of Moldova(1), Germany(1), Serbia(1), Ukraine(1), Azerbaijan(1), North Macedonia(1), Croatia(1), Portugal(1), Jordan(1), Spain(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: