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European School Education Platform
News item

Explore eTwinning for future teachers

Teacher educators can explore the potential of online communities to foster innovative teaching practices and international collaboration. eTwinning, an online community designed to connect teachers and students across Europe, has been increasingly recognised as a valuable tool in initial teacher education.
student smiling at the camera
Viacheslav Yakobchuk / Adobe Stock

Through a series of practices adopted by teacher educators – including presentations, hands-on demonstrations and mentoring sessions – eTwinning aims to familiarise student teachers with its interface and empower them to incorporate digital tools into their future teaching endeavours. Initial teacher education institutions find that adopting eTwinning leads to an expansion of their international networks and increased participation in Erasmus+ projects.


This not only enriches the educational experience but also raises the profile of the institution on a European level – for example, the recognition that the Professional School of Education Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg (PSE) received when it won the eTwinning for future teachers – European Award for Initial Teacher Education.


The 2023 monitoring report The impact of eTwinning on initial teacher education sheds light on the role eTwinning plays in bridging the gap between theory and practice. Focused on the ‘eTwinning for future teachers’ initiative, the report explores how eTwinning empowers student teachers to apply pedagogical concepts in the classroom and underscores the impact of eTwinning on shaping future educators’ experiences.


Participation in eTwinning can also enhance student teachers’ multicultural and digital skills through collaboration with peers from other countries. This not only fosters a sense of global citizenship, but also prepares them for the diverse classroom environments they will likely encounter in their future careers.


Importantly, eTwinning is not only beneficial for student teachers but also plays a pivotal role in the professional development of teacher educators. By providing opportunities for collaboration and networking on a European scale, eTwinning facilitates the exchange of ideas and experiences between educators. It also encourages the development of interdisciplinary research interests and promotes a culture of continuous professional development.


Finally, eTwinning offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional teacher mobility programmes, allowing educators to engage in transnational cooperation without the constraints of travel. eTwinning can enhance initial teacher education by promoting innovative teaching practices, fostering international collaboration and facilitating professional development. To join eTwinning, future teachers should contact their National Support Organisation and follow the registration process in these infographics.

Additional information

  • Target audience:
    Student Teacher
    Head Teacher / Principal
    Teacher Educator


eTwinning community