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European School Education Platform

Every Country Hides Its Own Story

"Even the smallest country is worthy of the greatest love'',Hans Müller. The need and the effort to go with, understand and adapt to the new conditions that have occurred in Europe since the coming of the 21st century is the biggest motiva-ting idea for developing our project "Every Country Hides Its Own Story". Our goal is to develop the right land by means of the knowledge of the cultural heritage, by which will lead the pupils to tolerance and respect for the differe-nces among individuals, nationalities and nations. At the same time, it will lead pupils to understand the necessity of coexistence in the current multicultural society. In order to achieve that goal, it's necessary to try to overcome the persistent barriers in communication in a foreign language. The journey continues through the recognition of the schools, cities, regions until today Europe. Because we grow up in a certain environment that is affected by how our ancestors lived before, in our city, region, country.
Created on
8 members


Bulgaria(2), Greece(1), Italy(1), Slovakia(1), Spain(1), Lithuania(1), Hungary(1)
Age range: