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European School Education Platform

Cibo, Cultura e Tradizioni a confronto: la ricchezza della diversità culturale/Nourriture, Culture et Traditions en comparaison: la richesse de la diversité culturelle /Comparing Food, Culture and Traditions: the richness of cultural diversity.

The project focuse on food, meaning it as "food for thought" : food to get in touch, food to communicate, food to socialize and to tell about territory and culture and it has different aims, such as : enable students to get to know directly, life styles and habits of the host country, of which they have only read or heard; - know a similar school system, but still different from one's own, perhaps to decide to carry out a part of their studies there; - interact with "native speakers" to use, in a more natural way, the foreign language studied and develop and improve their language skills; - promote an open mentality towards cultural realities different from ours and encourage behavior based on collaboration and solidarity for overcoming stereotypes and to promote the development of critical thinking; - deepen the knowledge of its territory and its cultural heritage to present it to others with love and pride; - develop a sense of responsibility on which to base one's life projetc.
Created on
20 members


Italy(13), France(4), Portugal(2), Spain(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching: