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European School Education Platform

If the World Were a Classroom: Penfriends exploring the world

No matter how many times you Skype, FaceTime or share YouTube videos, there is nothing like a letter. No form of technology-based communication produces the excitement on the students' faces like the arrival of a letter from their pen friend. Pen friend letters provide the opportunity to break down classroom walls. Especially if the class you connect with is in another country. It gives your students a chance to see a world outside of their walls. Let's connect our classes with the world! We can exchange letters and videos, and plan on much more collaboration throughout the school year, including a Skype session. We will plan an exchange of artwork, cards, seeds, films of songs learned. Once the children have learned a song, we will use video conferencing to sing it together. In that way our students of the 21st century will be pen friends Fostering World Citizenship and exploring the World!
Created on
25 members


Spain(7), Turkey(6), Italy(3), Romania(3), North Macedonia(2), Poland(1), Lithuania(1), Netherlands(1), Belgium(1)
Age range:
up to 3