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European School Education Platform

Being a European: Find your way to the future - School, Job and Life in Europe - Meine Zukunft in Europa: Schule schaffen - Beruf finden - als Europäer leben

The project "Being a European: Find your way to the future - School , Job and Life in Europe - Meine Zukunft in Europa: Schule schaffen - Beruf finden - als Europäer leben" is based on the Paris-declaration of 2005 and its demand for diversity in the range of Education and the development of social and intercultural competencies as well as media competence. The project idea refers to the Europe 2020 strategy focusing the target of reducing the rates of early school leaving and enabling young Europeans to lifelong learning and participation in Europe. In our schools we teach students with very heterogeneous backgrounds and different needs raising from students with a very high performance potential, who need exceptional educational challenges via average pupils through to students with special needs due to special educational needs or migration (refugees).
Created on
10 members


Germany(4), Netherlands(2), Greece(2), Sweden(1), Portugal(1)
Age range: