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European School Education Platform

Forgotten Kids Games

Dear friends, To start with, I’d like to introduce myself to you. I am a teacher at a primary school for mentally retarded kids. I’ve always had the ambition to do something for my students. When I learnt about e-twinning, I thought my students should also be in such projects. That’s how I got started. Now let me give you some information about my project. The starting point is that with the developing technological devices, kids started to get away from the social interaction with their peers. They are like a bird in a cage and they are not aware of that they should seek for the thing which let them free. The freedom and creativity for our kids are in the streets and in the interaction with their peers. In my opinion, they learn building and developing relationships in the streests by playing games. So we should keep our children away from the computer games, smartphones, internet or social media. In addition to this notion, the other reason why we make this Project is that kids
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7 members


Slovenia(1), Lithuania(1), Poland(1), Romania(1), Croatia(1), Turkey(1), Serbia(1)
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