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European School Education Platform

STEP - Schools Towards a European Path

The project bears from the exigence to make schools communities exercise in european contacs and project implementation. The core of the project is creating a virtual "agorà" where students, teachers and headmasters of different Countries meet and know each other by working together and exchange moments, products and best practices. By the crosscuricular activitiesplanned, the intercultural competence and the acceptance of the "different" will be promoted. The vehicular language will be English so each partner will benefit of an enhancing of the English language skill. The partnership is structured among general schools but some have a specific music field. These will add music to the project. They will share cultures by exchanging scripts and performing, at the end, a virtual common European and Etwinning concert
Created on
46 members


Italy(21), Spain(5), France(5), Turkey(5), Greece(4), Romania(4), Germany(1), Denmark(1)
Age range:
up to 3