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European School Education Platform


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Projects (6029)

In the late 1970s, the energy crisis caused buildings to be designed to save energy. Energy efficiency was to be influenced by the so-called super-insulation and reduced fresh air exchange. However...

In our project we would like to build a wind tunnel and study experimental aerodynamics of 10 different models of wing profiles. The realization of project -1-3 months.

Este vorba despre un proiect de colaborare între școli în care elevii, sub supravegherea profesorilor fondatori, vor posta diferite lucrări pe diferite teme. De exemplu, se pot organiza săptămânal...

Ecological education has become a necessity lately due to pollution, a problem which should be everyone’s concern. Pollution is the main factor which has led to a change in the natural balance of the...

Ma petite plaidoirie pour la planète : partenariat entre des lycéens de Nord Caraïbes en Martinique et Saint Vincent de Paul en Lorraine permettant d’élaborer en binôme un petit discours percutant...

With this project, we aim to teach our students how limited fossil energy sources harm the environment, the necessity of using green energy sources instead, and the awareness of using energy correctly...

Scopul proiectului constă în creșterea gradului de educație modernă, aplicată, interdisciplinară la cel puțin 600 de copii și elevi din cadrul Liceului Tehnologic „Petre Ionescu Muscel” Domnești...

Erstellung von Podcasts in verschiedenen Sprachen. Das Projekt besteht darin, unsere Schule in Spanien in Kontakt mit anderen ausländischen Schulen zu bringen, die ebenfalls Deutsch als zweite Sprache...