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European School Education Platform


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Adriana Mihali Liceul Borsa (Romania) დიახ
Afroditi Nakouti 4nd Kindergarten of Efkarpia, Thessaloniki (Greece) დიახ
Agata Grześko Zespół Szkół nr 3 we Wrocławiu (Poland) დიახ
Agnieszka Siwoń Zespół Szkół Spożywczych i Biznesowych im. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Jarosławiu (Poland) დიახ
AHMET AYDIN Tekirdağ Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi (Turkey) დიახ
Ahmet Bağcı Şükrü Çelikalay İmam Hatip Ortaokulu (Turkey) დიახ
AHMET CAN Merkezefendi Belediyesi Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi (Turkey) დიახ
Aida Alakbarova Sumgayit , 1 nömrəli tam orta məktəb (Azerbaijan) დიახ
Aikaterini Aravantinou Fatorou 2ο Γυμνάσιο Αγ. Παρασκευής (Greece) დიახ
Alcino SIMÕES Agrupamento de Escolas de Vila Nova de Poiares (Portugal) დიახ
Alessio Milanesi ICS Empoli Ovest (Italy) დიახ
Alexandra Anicolaesei Colegiul National "Mihail Sadoveanu" (Romania) დიახ
Ali DEMİREL Zahit Çetin İlkokulu (Turkey) დიახ
ALİ GÜLLÜ Yaşar Acar Fen Lisesi (Turkey) დიახ
Alina Mihaela Petrea Gradinita cu Program Prelungit "Mugurasii" Rm Sarat (Romania) დიახ
Ana maria Harlea Gradinita nr 252 (Romania) დიახ
ANASTASIOS KELEGKAS 2 Εσπερινό ΕΠΑΛ Αχαρνών- 2nd Evening Vocational High School of Acharnes (Greece) დიახ
Anita Matjeta Hure Srednja škola Hvar (Croatia) დიახ
Anita Witkowska-Szczepańska Akademicki Zespół Placówek Oświatowych w Fijewie (Poland) დიახ
Anna Mitterbacher Höhere Lehranstalt für Wirtschaftliche Berufe Fohnsdorf (Austria) დიახ
Anna Przybylska-Gwizdek Polsko-Angielska Szkoła Podstawowa MENTIS w Warszawie (Poland) დიახ
ANNALISA BOCCAFOLI ICS "Pescara 9" (Italy) დიახ
ANNUNZIATA SARRA ICS "G. Barone" di Baranello (Italy) დიახ
Antonello Calcagni IIS "Paolo Boselli" (Italy) დიახ