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European School Education Platform


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Projects (31)

Children and fairy tales are an inseparable whole. Fairy tales support the healthy personality development of children. We will have fun and learn a lot with fairy tales, the benefits of which we...

In today's world, people experience environmental problems caused by humans, industry and nature. These problems have become local and have reached global dimensions that threaten all humanity...

Bu projede öğrencilerimiz farklı kültürleri,farklı yaşamları tanıyacaklar.Farklı ülkelerden bir araya gelecek olan her proje ortağı kendi yaşadığı yerin kültürünü tanıtan video, çalışma sayfası ve...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The program aims to encourage students to collaborate with different schools by getting acquainted with those schools and presenting their own school.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Flag; It is the greatest sign of the independence of nations. The flag has a very special and important meaning for the nations because it is the symbol of independence of the nations. Each nation's...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Projemiz "Sevdiğim Renkler: Yeşil ve Mavi ;doğanın iki önemli unsuru olan Su ve Ağacı temel alarak, Hem ülkemizde hem de Dünya'da ormanların korunması, su kaynaklarımızın korunması ve bilinçlı...

National Quality Label

With the effect of the pandemic process, the distance education process has been initiated. In our project, more efficient distance education is aimed for students in this process. A training in which...

National Quality Label

The one-year project entitled Let's Live Sustainably is designed for elementary school students (aged 6 to 14) and it is aimed at increasing information exchange between students, teachers and...

National Quality Label