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European School Education Platform


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Projects (12)

Augmented reality in education will soon affect the conventional learning process. AR has the potential to change the location and timing of studying, to introduce new and additional ways and methods...

National Quality Label

It is an eTwinning project between a Portuguese and a Romanian school aiming for a realization of a vertical garden. This project aims to share ideas for the construction of a vertical garden using...

National Quality Label

In my opinion, the language should not be an obstacle to work well and it gives me an idea of a project in Etwinning. It is "let's speak different languages " that students try to discover and teach...

National Quality Label

To encourage our schools,especially the ones in rural areas to find solutions to their problems by making projects so that teachers and students get familiar with projects.Our teachers and students...

National Quality Label

Dans ce projet nous allons montrer les avantages de l'utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication dans l'éducation . à travers des exemples dans la classe Quels sont les...

Le projet « International Scratch Challenge » regroupe plusieurs classes à travers le monde. Les élèves vont devoir répondre à 3 défis de programmation. Des espaces d'échange et de communication leur...

National Quality Label

Okula gelen her öğrenci çalışanlar tarafında güler yüzle karşılanır selamlanır. çocukların okul anılarını ve okul ortamlarını sevimli hale getirmek için çaba harcanır. (Every student who comes to...

National Quality Label

-To encourage our schools, especially the ones in rural areas to find solutions to their problems by making projects so that teachers and students get familiar with projects. -Our teachers and...

National Quality Label