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European School Education Platform


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Projects (162)

Projekt ma na celu rozwój kompetencji nauczycieli w zakresie pracy z uczniem z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną oraz podniesienie poziomu jakości nauczania, uczenia się i terapii. Rozwój kompetencji...

In your native language singing the song "Jingle Bells", what will be recorded video and mixed together to one song. It will be nice video to show in the school Christmas parties . 1. Getting to know...

We will discuss the beaties of living in small towns with their unique fauna and flora, cultural features and local richness. We will also identify local problems and find the solutions to them. The...

Öğrencilerimize doğa sevgisi aşılamayı amaç edindiğimiz bu projede toprakla iç içe olarak,doğada eğitsel oyunlar tasarlayarak öğrencilerimizin yaparak yaşayarak öğrenme modeline uygun şekilde...

My students are 5/7 years old. We are searching for partners to share informations about what we do in class during the year. We can do some exchange, like christmas cards, songs, ideas of receip ...

The aim of the project is to transform the school into a sort of "art gallery" that focuses on the welcome and well-being of students. The pupils of each class from the countries involved in...

In this project, we want our students to introduce the traditional dishes of their hometown, to teach local children's games and to give examples of various handicrafts

National Quality Label

We aim to promote local games, food, etc., along with various local trips, so that our students can get to know their own places better and our partners get to know their cities.And we will do these...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label