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European School Education Platform


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Projects (56)

When Europe is confronted with a wave of socioeconomic crisis, populist, extremists, and a general lack of trust in democratic processes, the educational world can help counter these threats. Project...

Game is the child's most natural learning environment. Children learn about life and discover their personal characteristics through play. Games support children's development in many ways. Children...

We want to accelerate innovation and change in education in our schools through eTwinning projects. We are open to all kinds of innovative learning tools. we believe that the game and the toy are also...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

With global warming, the importance of protecting the environment is increasing. On the other hand, studies show that children are more successful in mathematics when the love of mathematics is gained...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

After reading the book "The Little Prince", students will learn what it means to "tame" someone. Following the example of the book, they first "tame" flowers - each student will plant one flower in...

National Quality Label

The child gets acquainted with the fairy tale in the earliest childhood. From a fairy tale, a child begins to get acquainted with the world of human relationships and with the outside world. Through a...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Çocuğun eğitiminde, yetenek ve becerilerini geliştirmek, doğru davranışlarını arttırmak, ona yol göstermek için erken yılların önemi büyüktür bundan dolayı, planlı ve sistemli bir okul öncesi eğitimi...

National Quality Label

''Değerlerimle Anadolu'' Projemiz şubat -mayıs ayları arasında 6-11 yaş grubu öğrencileriyle yapılacaktır. Masallar dinlenecek , orta oyunları, el sanatları ,yörelerimize ait kültürlerin özellikleri...

National Quality Label